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Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors
Adam Nevill
Exorcist Falls: Includes the novella Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz

A Short Stay in Hell

A Short Stay in Hell - Steven L. Peck The food in hell is fantastic. Anything you want. Whenever you want it. They do your laundry and the bar is open 24/7. You can hang out with your friends all day, every day, for eternity. Sh*t, there are even walls and walls of books on the shelves for as far as the eyes can see…and beyond. 410 pages each. 40 lines per page and 80 characters per line. Maybe, hell, ain’t so bad after all.

Nope. Wishful thinking. It’s still hell...Damn. (Literally.)

Steven L. Peck pens an excellent novella about a man who gets sent to hell for not recognizing the one true religion. The fact that he was a decent person who never harmed anyone, and the religion in question is so off the wall that virtually nobody has ever heard of it, seems to be irrelevant. Now, our protagonist is shipped off hell in search of the story of his life that will set him free. Good luck brudda. Youz gonna need it.

A super solid novella from a "new-to-me" author that I will be keeping an eye out for in the future. 4.5 Stars and Highly Recommended!