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Currently reading

Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors
Adam Nevill
Exorcist Falls: Includes the novella Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz


Wetbones - John Shirley There is all kind of crazy sh@t going on in this one. It starts off quick and does not let go, upping the ante of gore and slowly revealing the terror that is behind Wetbones.

Arrangements are made with the Akishra to grant pleasure, power and pain. There are only a select few that have the ability to “see” them and that can utilize their power to influence others. People have started disappearing and it is up to a small group of very interesting characters to try and save them before they become wetbones themselves.

Written well, with well developed characters and appropriate amounts of blood dripped on the pages. My first Shirley, but not my last.

I hear John frequents my favorite bookstore cafe in SF. I look for him every time I go, but unfortunately, don't get out there that often. One of these days I will run across him and buy him a cup o’ joe.