Are there two parts to the human soul? Are we all just a violent shell, awaiting separation from our “better halves” so that we may indulge in our most bestial desires of rage and vengeance? And if so, is there a way to become whole again?
Something is making the citizens of London go into a murderous rage. Their bodies are violent shells, while their spectral beings float high above London, happy and at peace(?) Stephen Hobbs has had both great success and great failure in his life, and now he may be the only key to saving these severed souls. But he is going to have to conquer his own demons first.
This one, from Gary Fry, had potential to be epic and then just fell a bit short for me and I got lost a few times in the plotting. While the story was written well, I think it could have used some more depth around the triggering “event” that caused the outbreak. 2.5 Stars.