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Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors
Adam Nevill
Exorcist Falls: Includes the novella Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz

Six Dead Spots

Six Dead Spots - Gregor Xane Frank is having a bad run lately. Frank has dead spots. Counted 5...no, wait...6. Doctors aren't any help at least ones called Banana. Even of lesser help are doctor’s assistants named Carl or psychiatrists named Vo.

So Frank does what any of us would do, by drowning his sorrows in prescription pills, french fries, alcohol, nicotine patches and pornos. (Sounds like college to me)

His dreams are plagued with baby doll arm strap ons and crazy orgies - Now Frank must try and master his dreams only to figure out the answer truly lies in the waking world. Or is it all a dream? Or is Frank simply mad?

A human waste action figure complete with body hair! Classic...with a Frankenstein flare to boot!

This was an excellent novella from Gregor Xane. Very soild. Disturbing, dark and creepy. 4+ Stars! Highly recommended! I will be looking forward to more from Mr. Xane in the future.