I received a copy of this anthology from an author friend of mine and I am super glad he thought of me. Thanks to “you know who you are!” And yes, he did have a story in here, and yes, it was awesome, and no, I’m not telling you who it was. Ha! It really doesn’t matter anyway, because all of the stories in here were at a minimum pretty good to quite excellent. (Of course, your mileage may vary.)
Whenever I start an anthology I am always hit with a sense of anticipation and fear. Anticipation that I may run across a great new author and fear that I won’t find any or the stories will suck and I will have to plod thru it. Maybe less so, with this one as the line-up of authors I was familiar with was stellar.
Well, good news. I wasn’t disappointed with any of the stories and what’s even better is that I really enjoyed all of the stories from the unknown (to me) authors. A well done collection of stories and authors. Solid 4+ Stars. Highly Recommended.