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Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors
Adam Nevill
Exorcist Falls: Includes the novella Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz

Wolf Land

Wolf Land - Jonathan Janz A drunken beach party gets a wee out of hand as a vengeful pissed off werewolf crashes the bonfire and starts eating the guests. That is a party foul of the first magnitude!! Major party pooper. Not to mention the fact that it is run off before it can finish off the guest list, leaving several friends to turn on their own. Thank goodness there isn’t another gathering in the near future like a High School reunion which would be an opportunity to finish what was started. Oh…wait…come to think of it…crap.

This is one action packed bloody werewolf mother fucking roller coaster ride thru hell. Jonathan pulls out all the stops for this one and lets copious amounts of blood and body parts fly. A carnivorous, masturbating possum eater, a pirate in a piece of shit Ford Ranger, a sexually repressed librarian with a taste for periods, a castrating, fisting, golden showering slutty gal out for retribution (good for her!), and Duane McKidd aka Short Pump, Werewolf Slayer who desperately wants the local hot chick with a kid. Who doesn’t?

A very solid entry into the werewolf genre for Jonathan Janz. I am beginning to wonder if there is anything that this dude cannot write. He is kicking out quality horror reads like crazy. Exorcists, sinister cults, wild west vampires, crazed creature features and now werewolves. Janz is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with and is definitely on my must read author list. I highly recommend anything that Jonathan puts out there. I’m giving this one a solid 4+ stars and the only reason I’m not going 5 is that it was a bit “action” heavy in parts for me. Not a bad thing by any means, just not entirely my bag.