Darkfuse #3 is a short but good anthology of authors that I have never heard of before., I was both excited and nervous to check them out. While there wasn’t a real clear superstar among these shorts, there were some very good ones and definitely some authors to look out for in the future. If you want me to tell you which, I’m not going to. Pick up a copy and check it out for yourself.
Ritual by Lauren Gallo
Rituals and customs. Promises kept. Why the * would her mom go back?
Chanterelling by Nicole Feldringer
Who had haunted whom? Could have used a wee more backstory.
To Get Past It by Tim W. Burke
Out for Revenge. Classic revenge style.
The Matchbox Sign by Evan Dicken
Gots to feed da bugs. Seemed a little disjointed at the end.
Taking it All Away by L. R. Bonehill
Blood, bile and broccoli. I think I actually retched a little while reading this one.
Winning Isn’t Everything by William R.A.D. Funk
"You have to keep playing." Fun but predictable.
With every anthology or collection the mix varies greatly here in style and author voice, which I suppose is the whole point. It was surprisingly short for an anthology but only a story or two could have used the extra length. A good introduction to some new (to me) authors. I liked it. I am going to rate this 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 because it was pretty ballsy of DarkFuse to throw out an anthology of lesser known authors. You never know how that is going to be received and usually these have at least one "hook" author amongst the collection.