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Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors
Adam Nevill
Exorcist Falls: Includes the novella Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz


Nightcrawlers - Tim Curran Tim Curran is one the top horror writers today. He delivers with Nightcrawlers, once again. No surprise, the dude can flat out write. His descriptive prose is unparalleled in its grotesque beauty. Nobody does it like Curran. Nobody.

There are putrid subterranean mutant slug/maggot creatures in the ground. They live by night. Digging up graves and chewing on the bones of corpses like a dog would chew on a rawhide bone. Fed by decaying human bodies that provide sustenance, they are growing ripe. The time has come to surface. The spores are really going to hit the fan in this one. A wild and crazy ride into an underground nightmare.

“The dying do not fear and the dead do not bleed.”

5 Stars! Highly Recommended!